Cardio-vascular agents are medicines that are used to treat medical conditions associated with the heart or the circulatory system. A wide range of medications are used to treat various heart conditions. Some examples of the drugs used in cardiovascular medicine include:
Anticoagulant or blood thinners,
Thrombolytic agents,
Antiplatelet agents,
Antihypertensives like (Angiotensin converting enzymes,Angiotensin II receptor blocker,Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers ),
Statins (used for lowering lipid levels )-These are used in the treatment of high Cholesterol and Heart attack. It offers cardioprotection for a working heart.
Cardiovascular Drugs also include those that are used to regulate an abnormal heart rhythm include quinidine, lidocaine, amiodarone, sotalol, verapamil, diltiazem, dofetilide and adenosine.
Our list of cardiovascular drugs include -
Danrose 10/20 (Rosuvastatin 10/20 mg)
Danrose 10/20A(rosuvastatin mg and Aspirin 75 mg)
Danrose 10 f (Rosuvastatin calcium 10mg and fenofibrate160 mg tablets)